
Take the first step in your new career.

Admission is open to any qualified applicant. No qualified person will be excluded from J&J Healthcare Institute, Inc. enrollment based on age, race, gender, disability, or national origin. Class start times vary depending upon the language of instruction.

Ready to Apply?

Then click here to apply

Need more information?

Then contact one of our admission representatives for more information by calling (407) 839-3363., or click here to send us an email.


If under 18, a parent or guardian must enroll the applicant.

  1. The applicant should present evidence or attestation of a high school diploma or GED.
  2. Students who do not have a high school diploma, high school certification or GED and are 17 years of age or older must demonstrate the ability to learn from the instruction program. Students must pass the Wonderlic Basic Skills Test with a minimum verbal score of 200 and a minimum math score of 210.
  3. For students who are 17 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must also sign the Enrollment Agreement.
  4. Applicants receive a catalog prior to signing an enrollment agreement.
  5. All accepted students must complete an Enrollment Agreement.
  • Students receive a catalog at least one week before enrollment commences.
  • J&J Healthcare Institute, Inc. will keep records of prospective students denied admission for at least one year.
  • Prospective students, who were denied admission and would like to view their file, may submit a written request. Access to view the file will be granted within 24 hours of request.

Important Note: Applicants with criminal backgrounds who apply for programs which require state certification or licensure are advised that they will be required to submit to a criminal background check by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations as part of the licensure application. Presence of criminal convictions on record may be cause to reject an applicant for state licensure.